Settings & Commands

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ℹ This setting can vary between workspace folders - read more

An array of formats. Allows you save to multiple locations, with a customisable format and extension for each

Properties Type Default Notes
format expanded OR compressed expanded The output style of the generated file
extensionName string .css The extension suffix added to the output file (must end with .css)
savePath string? null See save path notes
savePathReplacementPairs Record<string, string>? null See save path notes
generateMap boolean? null Choose to output maps at a format level instead
Ŧlinefeed cr OR crlf OR lf OR lfcr lf The linefeed terminator to use
ŦindentType space OR tab space The indentation to use for the expanded format
ŦindentWidth number 2 The indentation width used for the expanded format

Ŧ These will be removed in SASS v2.0 and are currently unavailable when liveSassCompile.settings.useNewCompiler is true

Examples ```js "liveSassCompile.settings.formats": [ // This is the default. { "format": "expanded", "extensionName": ".css", // null for all three -> denotes the same path as the SASS file "savePath": null, "savePathReplacementPairs": null }, // You can add more { "format": "compressed", "extensionName": ".min.css", // / -> denotes relative to the workspace root "savePath": "/dist/css" }, // More Complex // (See issue 26: { "format": "compressed", "extensionName": ".m.css", // ~ -> denotes relative to each sass file "savePath": "~/../css/" }, // Segment replacement example { "format": "compressed", "extensionName": ".min.css", // "/Assets/SCSS/main.scss" => "/Assets/Style/main.min.css" // "/Assets/_SASS/main.sass" => "/Assets/Style/main.min.css" "savePathReplacementPairs": { "/SCSS/": "/Style/", "/_SASS/": "/Style/" }, // Don't create a map file for this "production" output "generateMap": false // Segment replacement can work with relative `savePath`s { "format": "compressed", "extensionName": "-min.css", // "/src/sass/Homepage/AHH/main.scss" => "/dist/css/Homepage/main-min.css" "savePath": "~/..", "savePathReplacementPairs": { "/src/sass": "/dist/css/" } } ] ```


ℹ This setting can vary between workspace folders - read more

Use an array of various glob patterns to exclude files or entire folders. All matching SASS/SCSS files or matching folders will be ignored.

Type: string[]?

["/**/node_modules/**", "/.vscode/**"]
Other examples **Negative glob pattern** To exclude all files except `file1.scss` & `file2.scss` from the directory `path/subpath`, you can use the expression: ```json "liveSassCompile.settings.excludeList": [ "/path/subpath/*[!(file1|file2)].scss" ] ``` **Regex pattern** Match regex expressions ```json "liveSassCompile.settings.excludeList": [ "/path/subpath/[A-Za-z0-9_]+.scss" ] ``` **POSIX brackets - [Full POSIX List]** Match alphas, alpha numerics, words and [more][full posix list] ```json "liveSassCompile.settings.excludeList": [ "/path/subpath/[:word:]+.scss" ] ```


ℹ This setting can vary between workspace folders - read more

Process only these specified files. Useful for when you deal with only a few sass files.

Type: string[]?
Default: null

NOTE: there is no need to include partial sass files.

Example ```json "liveSassCompile.settings.includeItems": [ "/path/subpath/a.scss", "/path/subpath/b.scss", ] ```


ℹ This setting can vary between workspace folders - read more

Using glob patterns, specify what files are actually partials - or what folders contain them

Type: string[]

[ "/**/_*.s[ac]ss" ]


ℹ This setting can vary between workspace folders - read more

Create a companion map file for each of the compiled files
Note: this can be overwritten in the formats[].generateMap setting

Type: boolean
Default: true


ℹ This setting can vary between workspace folders - read more

Autoprefix unsupported CSS properties (e.g. transform will also add -ms-transform). Uses Browserslist for browser selection

Type: boolean OR string[]
Default: "defaults"

Note: for backwards compatibility with the original extension null is permitted. This has the same result as providing false


Set the logging level at which errors will be shown in the output window. There is also a command.

Type: Trace, Debug, Information, Warning, Error or None
Default: Information

Choosing the right output level - `None`: almost no output - Running the `liveSass.command.debugInclusion` (`Check file will be included`) command - Running the `liveSass.command.debugFileList` (`Get all included files`) command - When the `forceBaseDirectory` is not found or invalid (i.e. a file instead of a folder) - `Error`: this will output when compilation errors All of the above, plus - When there is an error or `@error` in your SASS - When autoprefixer errors, or is passed an invalid browserslist setting - If saving a file to the disk fails - `Warning`: this will output non-critical issues All of the above, plus - Primarily, workspace folder issues - `Information`: this will output file information All of the above, plus - When compilation is starting - When files have been generated (it outputs all files) - When the watch state is changed - `Debug`: this will output some info to help with debugging All of the above, plus - Details as to why files aren't compiling (not SASS, no active file, etc.) - Details of which files are being processed - `Trace`: this is primarily to aid in resolving problems All of the above, plus - A lot of sub-process by sub-process details of progress


ℹ This setting is deprecated in favour of showOutputWindowOn. However, it will likely never be removed

This setting exists for backwards compatibility with the original extension

When true the extension will output all Information level messages (from above setting). When false it will report all Warning level messages (from above setting).

Type: boolean? Default: null


Defines whether Live Sass should watch immediately over waiting to be started

Type: boolean
Default: false


Defines whether Live Sass should compile all files when it starts watching

Type: boolean
Default: true


ℹ This setting can vary between workspace folders - read more

Defines a subdirectory to search from. Add a small performance gain by targeting just your SASS folder.

No SASS/SCSS files outside of this folder will be watched/compiled when you save.

Type: string?
Default: null

⚠ It is your responsibility to ensure the path exists and is correct.
If the path is not found, or is a file, then it will output an error
If the path is wrong then nothing will be found nor compiled

⚠ This setting effects the root path for includeItems and excludeList. So, a setting of /Assets means that includeItems and excludeList are both relative to /Assets and not / (the root of the workspace folder)


ℹ This setting can vary between workspace folders - read more

Tells the compiler that a leading slash is relative to the workspace root rather than the drive root.

Type: boolean
Default: false


ℹ This setting can vary between workspace folders - read more

SASS have introduced a new entry point in their JS API. This new API is designed to be more performant than the old one. Go on, kick the tyres on this new entry point (before it comes mandatory in SASS 2.0).

This method does not apply any of the following settings (and never will [ref])

  • liveSassCompile.settings.formats[].linefeed
  • liveSassCompile.settings.formats[].indentType
  • liveSassCompile.settings.formats[].indentWidth

Type: boolean
Default: false


Stop announcements each time a new version is installed.

Type: boolean
Default: true


To use any command, start by pressing F1 OR (Ctrl/Cmd) + Shift + P. You can then enter a name for any of the commands below.


Start watching for SASS/SCSS changes

Names: Live SASS: Watch Sass, liveSass.command.watchMySass


Stop watching for SASS/SCSS changes

Names: Live SASS: Stop Watching, liveSass.command.donotWatchMySass


Compile the currently opened SASS/SCSS file

Names: Live SASS: Compile Current Sass File, liveSass.command.compileCurrentSass


Perform a one time compilation of all SASS/SCSS files, regardless of whether we’re watching or not

Names: Live SASS: Compile Sass - Without Watch Mode, liveSass.command.oneTimeCompileSass


Open the Live SASS output window

Names: Live SASS: Open Live Sass Output Window, liveSass.command.openOutputWindow


When an alert pops up in the bottom right corner, you can report that issue directly by running this command. You can use it for general errors, however it will not include details of your specific issue, you will have to include the details yourself

Names: Live SASS: Report an issue, liveSass.command.createIssue


Check if the current file will be included, based on your current settings. A good start to debug any glob pattern issues that might stop the current file from compiling

Names: Live SASS: Check file will be included, liveSass.command.debugInclusion


Get a full list of files that are included, any partials that will trigger compilation of all files and also any excluded files. Helpful to debug any glob pattern issue’s you’re having

Names: Live SASS: Get all included files, liveSass.command.debugFileList


This heading actually applies to 6 different commands. However, they all share the same prefix. I have highlighted each command in the list below.

Applying this command will change the output logging level that is used by this extension.


Multi-root workspaces

Settings that can be applied at a workspace level and at root level will have a heading like the one below

ℹ This setting can vary between workspace folders - read more

Not sure what a multi-root workspace is, then why not read more?

To summarise; these settings can be applied at the .code-workspace level .However, they can be overridden by settings in a /.vscode/settings.json file in any workspace root folder.
For example, if a .code-workspace setting is /src/Sass but a settings.json is /Assets/Style then /Assets/Style would be used

Save path notes

The final save path is dependant on two settings: savePath and savePathReplacementPairs. They can be stacked, but savePath is applied first.